• Reg­is­ter
The new Shirdi Baba med­i­ta­tion tem­ple at the Divine Lin­eage Heal­ing Cen­ter was inau­gu­rated in a beau­ti­ful cel­e­bra­tion on Vijadasami 2014! Con­struc­tion of Baba’s new home on the sacred grounds at the Cen­ter is under­way.

It is a sub­lime expe­ri­ence to be with Baba in the deep silence of the for­est. Baba lives in each of our hearts and see­ing his liv­ing pres­ence in the murti ignites that real­ity more deeply in all who have his dar­shan.

We are happy to intro­duce you to mem­bers of the Divine Lin­eage team here at the Divine Lin­eage Heal­ing Cen­ter and around the world. We look for­ward to meet­ing and shar­ing with you, and oth­ers who know and are learn­ing about Baba.

TOPIC: New Mod­ern Sri Sai Satcharitra

New Mod­ern Sri Sai Satchar­i­tra 19 Dec 2014 09:41 #159

A mod­ern ren­der­ing of the Sri Sai Satchar­i­tra, The Won­der­ful Life & Teach­ings of Shirdi Sai Baba, by Monika of Penukonda is now avail­able as a free down­load and in a paper­back edi­tion

From the For­ward
The divine sto­ries of Baba’s life, his lee­las, are inscrutable, mirac­u­lous and amaz­ing. We can lis­ten to the orig­i­nal sto­ries of his life, and rec­og­nize that he is cre­at­ing new sto­ries now, new lee­las in each of our lives. He is the Direc­tor. He is the real Doer. Sri Kalesh­war loved to say that Baba cre­ates the prob­lem, then cre­ates the solu­tion. He is at work in each of our lives cre­at­ing the sit­u­a­tions we need to learn the spir­i­tual qual­i­ties of faith, patience, devo­tion, for­bear­ance, gen­eros­ity, humil­ity, dis­pas­sion, dis­crim­i­na­tion and ego­less­ness. His sim­ple words to his devo­tees dur­ing his life who were both Mus­lim and Hindu – -don’t fight. He loved all equally and taught that all are equal. He, as the sadguru, is here to remove the igno­rance that you are dif­fer­ent from him, that you are sep­a­rate. You are not dif­fer­ent from God. You are Divine. You are God. After he ful­fills your needs and desires, he cre­ates faith in you that leads you to the aware­ness of that ulti­mate real­ity, where there is no dif­fer­ence between you. You are the Supreme Con­scious­ness, the same as he.

Down­load for FREE on our web­site:

Avail­able in paper­back from Ama​zon​.com:

The Power of Read­ing Baba’s Sto­ries
“If a man utters my name with love, I shall ful­fill all his wishes and increase his devo­tion. If he sings earnestly of my life and my deeds, I shall sur­round him in front and back and on all sides. Those devo­tees who are attached to me heart and soul will nat­u­rally feel hap­pi­ness when they hear these sto­ries. Believe me, if any­body sings my lee­las I will give him infi­nite joy and ever­last­ing happiness.”
Last Edit: 19 Dec 2014 09:42 by Divine Lin­eage Heal­ing Cen­ter.
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