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TOPIC: I Say Let’s Neemit!

I Say Let’s Neemit! 12 Apr 2015 15:06 #210

  • LaBaines
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Hello and Namaste My Dear­est Ones!

Just Shar­ing, do take it with a grain of salt, if you so choose to do that. As I read and learn, have come to real­ize that ATMA or the SOUL does dwell in each and every cell of our body, includ­ing the blood, the flesh, the skele­tal sys­tem, the brain and the entire body. On that note if our body, or rather the cells of our body get infected with ill­ness’, dis-​eases, and neg­a­tive energy, the ‘atma’ in the cells, become ill, or por­tions of the cel­lu­lar sys­tem lit­er­ally dies, leav­ing the body as a whole in some type of diag­no­sis of an ill­ness or dis-​ease and dis­com­fort.

On a per­sonal note, as I strug­gle to ‘shoo’ the neg­a­tive energy out of each and every cell of my body which in turn should/​could/​and must bring the ATMA back in each and every cell of my body sort of a ‘soul retrieval’ in the entirety; I have come to real­ize that the most potent, and the most effec­tive and the eas­i­est and the quick­est method would be to use the ‘NEEM’ in any shape or form.

There­fore, I ordered some cold pressed Neem oil, and also picked up some Neem Leaf in pow­der form and a bag of large vege caps. The Neem oil has a smell of it’s own, not an acquired smell, let alone the taste. So my the­ory is to fill the vege caps with the Neem oil and ingest it on empty stom­ach, and the same with the Neem pow­der and then watch and see what hap­pens.

Hope­fully, the par­a­sites will die instan­ta­neously, and the neg­a­tive energy in each and every cell of the body will exit , allow­ing the cells to revive as the ‘ATMA’ will re-​house, and the entire body chem­istry includ­ing blood sug­ars, chole­stroel, lipids, and most impor­tantly my hope is that the Neem is pow­er­ful enough to also attack the can­cer­ous cells. From what I have seen in pic­tures, the image of the can­cer­ous cells are more like a an ‘entity’, they look so alive as if they are devour­ing the ‘cells’ includ­ing the ‘ATMA’ that dwells in the cells of a human body, and tend to col­o­nize in other sec­tions of the body with min­i­mal chance of destruc­tion.

In addi­tion, to bring­ing the ‘ATMA’ back in each and every cell of our bod­ies, Neem also has other capa­bil­i­ties, such as anti-​aging prop­er­ties. Only two doses of Neem Cap­sules have elim­i­nated most of my wrin­kles as I look in the mir­ror, unless the mir­ror is deceiv­ing me. My skin looks brighter, health­ier, and tighter. I have also read that it can over­come bald­ness, and can enhance new hair growth and nails includ­ing the strength­en­ing of the skele­tal sys­tem; also can assist with weight loss as it dis­olves the fatty tis­sues in the body.

With the help of our Beloved Shirdi Baba and Swami Sri Kalesh­war, let’s Neemit!

Much Love

Last Edit: 18 Apr 2015 16:00 by LaBaines.
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The fol­low­ing user(s) said Thank You: Kim­berly

I Say Let’s Neemit! 18 Apr 2015 13:27 #211

  • Kim­berly
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Thank you for the tips, Lada. Neem cer­tainly has so many health and spir­i­tual ben­e­fits, and it’s great to learn new ways peo­ple are using it.

Wish­ing you a pow­er­ful New Moon day of decharg­ing and charg­ing -

with love,
“Using love we can change any­thing in the uni­verse, we can melt any­thing with love – – softer and softer and softer. It’s the most pow­er­ful arrow to make any­thing hap­pen – – any good thing.” – Sri Kaleshwar
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